I am interested in writing a python script to webscrape X (formerly Twitter) and pull videos and Gifs from my favorite posts. X does offer an API that does allow a Python script to do what I want. I even got Microsoft Copilot to generate a working script but using the API is really expensive. Therefore I found another article for that allows you to work around the API. See the following tutorial from Scrapfly - How to Scrape X.com (Twitter) using Python (2024 Update). I also hope to use AI to put the downloaded pictures or video in folders for archiving. I wanted to do both in one script but I may have to do a separate script for training a model and organizing files into appropriate folders. Below is code that Microsoft Copilot genereated with a little editing from me.
# Prompt# Write a python script that will download videos and pictures from the bookmarked posts in X and classify them# according to Python, Books, Comics, and Porn for a given date, creating a folder for each category and putting# the items in the same matching category and unfavorite the post if it has post with something to download#import osfrom datetime import datetimetry:import tweepyexcept:os.system("pip install tweepy")import tweepytry:import requestsexcept:os.system("pip install requests")import requests# Twitter API credentialsconsumer_key = '***********'consumer_secret = '&&&&&&&&&&&&&&'access_token = '##########################'access_token_secret = '@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@'# Authenticate to Twitterauth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)api = tweepy.API(auth)# Directory to save mediabase_dir = 'downloaded_media'if not os.path.exists(base_dir):os.makedirs(base_dir)# Function to download mediadef download_media(url, filename):response = requests.get(url)if response.status_code == 200:with open(filename, 'wb') as file:file.write(response.content)# Function to classify mediadef classify_media(tweet_text):if 'python' in tweet_text.lower():return 'Python'elif 'book' in tweet_text.lower():return 'Books'elif 'comic' in tweet_text.lower():return 'Comics'elif 'porn' in tweet_text.lower():return 'Porn'else:return 'Uncategorized'# Get bookmarked tweetsbookmarked_tweets = api.get_favorites() # This gets the liked tweets, adjust as needed for bookmarksfor tweet in bookmarked_tweets:tweet_date = tweet.created_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')tweet_text = tweet.textcategory = classify_media(tweet_text)category_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, category, tweet_date)if not os.path.exists(category_dir):os.makedirs(category_dir)media = tweet.entities.get('media', [])if media:for item in media:media_url = item['media_url']media_type = item['type']if media_type in ['photo', 'video']:filename = os.path.join(category_dir, os.path.basename(media_url))download_media(media_url, filename)print(f'Downloaded {media_type} from {media_url} to {category}/{tweet_date}')# Unfavorite the tweetapi.destroy_favorite(tweet.id)print(f'Unfavorited tweet {tweet.id}')print('Download complete.')
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