Sunday, June 12, 2011

Parsing XML file in VB.NET using DOM - CodeProject

A graphical depiction of a very simple xml doc...Image via WikipediaIntroduction to Article

There are many versions of XML parsers/readers on the Internet and on CodeProject (including my own in C/C++). This one was written several years ago in VB 6.0 and is based on DOM (Document Object Model). I almost forgot about it until I recently decided to upgrade (or to see if it is possible without much hassle) VB 6.0 projects to VB 2008 (VB 2010 does not recognize VB 6.0 project’s files). I already had a very time consuming experience upgrading a project with many drawing and database related functions and arrays, because it requires you to manually rewrite the old code.
XML parser does not have any drawing functions or VB6-arrays and was upgraded to VB.NET automatically, though generating warnings related mostly to default property of the object. I removed these lines from code but for anyone interested, I left the _UpgradeReport.htm in the project.

Parsing XML file in VB.NET using DOM - CodeProject
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