Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Creating XML and Java Technology Based Applications Using JAXB - CodeProject

Introduction to the article

eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is a platform and language-independent way of defining tags. XML allows you to use meaningful tags to represent data in a structured format. Unlike HyperText Markup Language (HTML), which is used to display text, XML is a language to create extensible custom tags to represent the structure of data.
SAX parser is an event driven low-level parser, that responds to the elements of an XML document as it parses through the documents. The data is not maintained in memory. Efficiency of parsing data into elements is the key feature of SAX parser. DOM parser is a high-level parser that maintains the data structures of a document in memory as it parses through the document. This helps you to manage and manipulate data as needed. DOM API follows the tree model for maintaining the data in memory.
Formerly known as Project Adelard, Java Architecture for XML binding (JAXB) combines the benefits of Document Object Model (DOM) parser and Simple API for XML (SAX) parser.
JAXB reduces the execution time significantly and creates a robust object model for enterprise level applications.
This reference point explains how to use JAXB to create and distribute high-performance XML-enabled applications with minimum effort.

Creating XML and Java Technology Based Applications Using JAXB - CodeProject

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