Saturday, February 12, 2011

WPF : A Weird 3d based control - CodeProject

A 3D projection of an 8-cell performing a doub...Image via WikipediaIntroduction to article

This article is basically about a control that I have written for WPF, that allows users to create their own data items, which will be layed out in a layed out in a 3D Viewport in layers. You can almost think of supplying a list of trees to a control that lays these items out in layers in 3D space. The control presented in this article also supports transparency and allows the DataTemplating of your custom data items, and allows full 2D interaction with the DataTemplated data items when the corresponding DataTemplate applied Visual is created and hosted on a 3D Viewport ViewPort2DVisual3D.Visual. So you get the best of both worlds, you get to use powerful techniques such as DataTemplating, but you also get to see you items layed out in 3D, and you can still interact with them.
The rest of this article will demonstrate the custom control which I have called "LevelTree3D".

WPF : A Weird 3d based control - CodeProject
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