Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Trouble trying to implement IValueConverter : The Official Microsoft Silverlight Site

Microsoft SilverlightImage by Ribbit Voice via FlickrI've had a dickens of a time trying to get an sql statement to pass from a silverlight control and to get the results and display them on a datagrid on a silverlight control the following article helped immensely
Populating a Silverlight DataGrid with Data from MDB
Unfortunately there were two problem with it:
i. The article is written in C# and I wanted to know how to do it in VB.Net and C#
ii. The article does not show every step.
The following articles helped fill in some of the missing pieces
Trobule trying to implement IValueConverter : The Official Microsoft Silverlight Site
When binding with Wpf is there a way to use System.String funcntions without using converters?
What I was missing was the fact that I needed to write a converter class and I needed to add xml code to my silverlight control. Once I did this it worked and worked well in browser (IE 8) and out-of-browser. I will be writing an article and attempt to flesh this out better and more fully.
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