Friday, December 11, 2009

The Visual Basic Team : Walkthrough: Dynamic Programming in Visual Basic 10.0 and C# 4.0 (Lisa Feigenbaum)

CPythonImage via Wikipedia

Microsoft SilverlightImage via Wikipedia
I've just downloaded Visual Studio .Net 2010 Beta 2 and I like this IDE! It took me several hours to download it all.

Then I downloaded a version of IronPython to use specifically with VS 2010 Betat 2. I also found a link to the Visual Basic Team blog that put out exercises of how to test out IronPython and Silverlight in Visual Studio in both Visual Basic .Net (VB.Net) and C#,  The IronPython example shows how to run Python scripts from VB.Net and C# console applications. It worked just like they said it would.
Then I wanted to test out the exercises I found in the IronPython In Action book in this version of Visual Studio .Net 2010. I wanted to run the Windows Forms  and the WPF examples.The things although VS 2010 is expected to support IronPython it's not fully implemented yet. Hopefully everything will be in place when VS 2010 drops in March 2010

The Visual Basic Team : Walkthrough: Dynamic Programming in Visual Basic 10.0 and C# 4.0 (Lisa Feigenbaum)

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