Monday, October 19, 2009

NeuroSky MindSet - Brainwave Sensing

I was watching some local news and I came across some awesome news. There is a Silicon Valley based company, NeuroSky, who is marketing a product that allows people to use their brainwaves to control computers! I knew this was coming but I did not know that it would be this soon. They have come far! They have a game where you can use telekinesis (moving objects with your mind) and pyrokinesis (starting and controlling fire) in the game by concentrating and focusing! They even have an application for looking at how music effects your thoughts and emotion through graphical represenation of your brain! The possibilities are endless. This technology could be applied to almost any computer-based industry or process. NeuroSky has even sweetened the deal by providing application interfaces (API) for almost every platform in use today such at PC, Mac, and mobile platforms. And the languages you can use are well-represented in the real world: C, C++, C#, and Java -all of which I have used. One of the best things is that it's inexpensive. For $200, they give you the software and hardware you need. I really need to get in on this. Seems like it would be much fun. I found some video on their YouTube channel that shows the product in action!

NeuroSky MindSet - Brainwave Sensing

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