Friday, June 12, 2009

BackLinks For Your Site

For your blog or website, Backlinks is very important. A Backlink is when someone links to your blog or website. The more backlinks you have the more priority your blog and website when it's listed in search engines. I have been looking for tools, widgets, and gadgets for listing the websites/blogs that are linked to yours. Here are my top choices:

1. MakeCloud Backlinks Widget - generate a cloud of links representing all websites that are linked the site. It's easy to install.
2. BackLinkWidget - generates a widget that lists all the websites/blogs linked to yours. All you have to do input the url for your site/blog and then click the button and the code to put on your site is generated and all you have to is copy and post. It's easy to install.
3. Technorati Link Count Widget - is a widget that counts the links for each individual post. I had to go and look around for more information to try to find out how to install it but because of my blogs' templates it's not quite that simple to install. I really wanted this one to work. Fortunately, I found a great post on BloggerBuster explaining how to install it!

I'm going to install the Technorati Link Counter to all of my blogs. And I will add the Backlink Widget to my Favorite Media blog. What Had Happened Was... and Favorite Fiction will get the MakeCloud BackLink Widgit.

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