Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Twitter Tools: Twitter Counter

I found a neat little gadget on the Black Snob blog. I've added it to my own blogs. What it is a site, called TwitterCounter, that works with your twitter account to count tweets, show a list of the latest visitors from twitter and buttons that display the number of followers you have on Twitter. It seems really cool!

Check it out!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Generating HTML

We have many different ways to write HTML for websites an HTML. These days we don't necessarily have to learn HTML or hire someone to write HTML code for you. There are a whole lot of tools that allow you you to assemble a web page and then upload it without having to write a single HTML tag. The issue is that you cannot always get what you want this way. Another option is using Microsoft Word to write the document the way you want and then use Word to translate the file to HTML afterward. You can make it work. However the HTML generated is not pretty or elegant. The issue is that it does not make valid official HTML code however most web browsers does work. But I have found another option if the following is true:

1. You cannot write your own HTML.
2. You have to use Microsoft Word.

You can use a program to clean up the HTML after Word Generates it. I found a great program called Detagger and it is easy to use. It can be used to fix the HTML file and make it work.

Friday, June 19, 2009

IPhone 3Gs

I have come across some very interesting information on the latest IPhone. For example we finally have video loaded on YouTube taken using the new IPhone and it looks great.

Secondly, G4TV has announced that Apple has released the latest operating system for the IPhone and IPod Touch. It's supposed to be universal for all Apple mobile devices and make updates simple. I want one.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Must-Have Web-Site/Blog tools

I've been adding a lot of tools to my blogs of late. I believe that all make the experience of reading them and using them much more fun and interactive. I've put together this post in an attempt to show all the features I recommend belong on a blog/website.

1. Answer Tips - if a user double-clicks on a word in your blog, a window pops up with the word's definition.
2. Google Translate - allows your visitor to read your page in other languages: Simplified Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, and Spanish
3. Google custom Search - register with Google and you can set up your own personal search engines specific for your own needs. mine searches all my blogs for the key word entered into the field.
4. Subscription - allows visitors to subscribe and get alerts when you post something or someone comments on one of your posts. It's one of the built-in gadgets for blogger.
5. Visitor Counter - counts the number of people who visit/view your blog each day.
6. Back Links Display - lists the websites that have linked to you.
7. FEEDJIT Live Traffic Map - displays map showing the location of all the visitors to your site!
8. Followers - from Google; allows people to "follow" your site so that everytime new content is being added, they get the information via RSS Feed in Google Reader.
9. Facebook Badge - displays your Facebook profile and the last message you sent on Facebook
10 Twitter - There are sever different versions; mine show the last 10 tweets I wrote and provides a link so that reader can subscribe to my twitter stream.
11. Labels - Lists all the tags for all the posts in the Blog and how many times they have been used; provided by Blogger.
12. Archive - Lists all the titles by month and year; provided by Blogger.
13 About Me - Profile; provided by Blogger.
14. Apture - Allow you add almost any video, document, or image to your post based on the content of the post.
15. LinkedWithin - puts linksfor related posts at the bottom of each post.
16. Add This - puts a button at the bottom of each post that allows user to share the contents of each post easily to all major social networking sites.
17. Standard Post footers - an icon for e-mailing a post, a poll of reactions (check boxes), labels for the post; provided by Blogger.
18. Register your site/blog with Technorati so that you can use it promote your site.
19. Register with Google Analytics so that you can get good statistical information about traffic on your site for free.
20. Radar URL - Tells you how many people are on your site in real time.

If you like any of the widgets/gadgets I covered or see some on my blogs that I did not cover here, and want help using them. Please let me know by leaving a comment.


I just found a tool perfect for linking a myraid of multimedia content to any website/blog: Aperture. It's fun to use and I found a great demo of it.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sharing Your Content on Popular Soclal Sites

Have you seen the drop down button on some websites where you put the mouse over them and you get a list of sites like Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace for sharing the content tied to the button? I've been wanting to add that to my blogs. The service is called Ad This and it si free. It's really easy to add. I've added it to all my sites. Go ahead and try it on this blog...even this post!

Friday, June 12, 2009

BackLinks For Your Site

For your blog or website, Backlinks is very important. A Backlink is when someone links to your blog or website. The more backlinks you have the more priority your blog and website when it's listed in search engines. I have been looking for tools, widgets, and gadgets for listing the websites/blogs that are linked to yours. Here are my top choices:

1. MakeCloud Backlinks Widget - generate a cloud of links representing all websites that are linked the site. It's easy to install.
2. BackLinkWidget - generates a widget that lists all the websites/blogs linked to yours. All you have to do input the url for your site/blog and then click the button and the code to put on your site is generated and all you have to is copy and post. It's easy to install.
3. Technorati Link Count Widget - is a widget that counts the links for each individual post. I had to go and look around for more information to try to find out how to install it but because of my blogs' templates it's not quite that simple to install. I really wanted this one to work. Fortunately, I found a great post on BloggerBuster explaining how to install it!

I'm going to install the Technorati Link Counter to all of my blogs. And I will add the Backlink Widget to my Favorite Media blog. What Had Happened Was... and Favorite Fiction will get the MakeCloud BackLink Widgit.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I already own a PSP but I think it may be worth it to pick up the next version of the hardware this fall. It apparently will feature:

* Touch Screen
* Slide out additional controls
• The Go's 16 gigs of flash memory and bluetooth support ("You can also tether it to your cell phone,") are touted.
• In discussing the PSP Go's video-playing capability, it sounds like the rental service through PSN will extend to the PSP Go.
• PSP Go will not replace the PSP-3000; the 3000 will still be kept on the market.
• The PSP Go will arrive this fall.
• It's 43 percent lighter than the PSP-3000
• It has a 3.8-inch screen
* Games will be downloaded into the devices from the Internet
* UMD will be optional

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Japanese, Hebrew, and Greek Fonts

Because i want to learn and do more with Greek and Hebrew, I decided to take the plunge and install Hebrew and Greek fonts on my computer. I downloaded from BibleWorks website.

I also downloaded Japanese fonts while I was at it.

Here is how you install fonts on Windows XP
  1. Click Start | Settings | Control Panel and then double click the "Fonts" icon.
  2. In the Fonts applet click File | Install New Font.
  3. In the Add Fonts Dialog, navigate to the folder where the extracted fonts are located.
  4. Select the fonts and then click OK. The fonts are now installed.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Announcement: Format No Change

Frequent readers of this blog may have noticed that I I usually pit all things of interest to me in terms of fiction on this blog. I've come to realize that I need to focus more on smaller topics to be of the most benefit to the readers and supporters. Therefore from now on this blog will not be changed in terms of content. It will continue to be for reviews, demos, announcements, and interviews but now only dealing with the Mugen community. I will now be maintaining 4 blogs.

1. Favorite Fiction will house all my Mugen related activities.
2. What Had Happened Was... will be for all the things I like to study: Theology, Science, Politics, News, Technology, and History.
3. Favorite Media will cover movies, television, YouTube, comic books, and music.
4 Favorite Gadgets will be used for field testing new web technology and widgets.

Please feel free to visit any of these blogs at any time and leave comments on any of them blogs or e-mail me. Thanks for your support