Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Google Translate

The Internet is truly global and is definitely not limited to the English speaking world. What if you come across a site that may have information you need but it's in a language you don't know how to read?! Been there? I have. Fortunately, God has given us Google. They have a web service and web site capable of translating words, sentences, or passages and even whole web pages into other languages! Go to Google Translate if you need to translate a word or page. I often use it and then copy/paste the translation into my e-mail. I'm not saying that the translations are as perfect as a human could do but it can help you make yourself understood. On top of that there is even a widget that you can place on your web page or blog that lets readers choose the language they want to read your content in. It's really cool. You can get the widget at the this link.

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