A C1 Visual Style aware Message Box - Our ComponentOne

Here ware two artcles about how to use the component one Message Box control for Silverlight.  The message box the comes with Silverlight is really limiting. It only allows users to send "OK" and "Cancel" as responses. the Component One version gives a lot more options but the problem is it does not return any values so instead you have to do the following:

C1MessageBox.Show("Do you want to delete?", "The question", C1MessageBoxButton.YesNoCancel, C1MessageBoxIcon.Question,
                new System.Action<MessageBoxResult>((result) =>
                    switch (result)
                        case MessageBoxResult.Yes:
                            MessageBox.Show("You Pressed Yes");
                        case MessageBoxResult.No:
                            MessageBox.Show("You Pressed No");
                        case MessageBoxResult.Cancel:
                            MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to cancel");

A C1 Visual Style aware Message Box - Our ComponentOne



WCF Throttling – Part 1 | Anders Lybecker's Weblog!

This is a great article regarding how WCF web services can be better optimized when running on IIS. I have been running into this problem when two or more users are trying to use my web service at the same time.  I will conduct a few more tests but I think this will solve the problem

WCF Throttling – Part 1 | Anders Lybecker's Weblog!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router

This tool will get you information on a port using the computer's IP Address. Super duper useful

Open Port Check Tool - Test Port Forwarding on Your Router

Hostname to IP address Lookup

You can use this tool to find the matching IP address to a hostname and vice versa

Hostname to IP address Lookup

Using Cortana to get Foo Due - CodeProject

Here is an article on how to make a universal app leveraging Cortana! in VB.Net

Using Cortana to get Foo Due - CodeProject

Monday, August 10, 2015

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

FrequentlyAskedQuestions - selenium - WebDriver FAQs - Browser automation framework - Google Project Hosting

The following is an excerpt from an article about testing web apps by automating web browsers.

Q: What is WebDriver?

A: WebDriver is a tool for writing
automated tests of websites. It aims to mimic the behaviour of a real
user, and as such interacts with the HTML of the application.

FrequentlyAskedQuestions - selenium - WebDriver FAQs - Browser automation framework - Google Project Hosting

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Watching Folder Activity in VB.NET - CodeProject

I just found out that the .Net framework allows you to watch files and folders from code.  Here are two articles about how to use this function.

Watching Folder Activity in VB.NET - CodeProject

File System Watcher Class Demo (VB.NET)

.net - Strange -1.#IND error in VB.net - Stack Overflow

 Ever raised a negative number to a fractional power in a VB.Net program? Don't do it!!! Here is an article on how VB.net handles that!

.net - Strange -1.#IND error in VB.net - Stack Overflow

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Remote Debugging Using Visual Studio 2013


I got the remote debugger to work on a web server ! This site helped me to connect Visual Studio 2013 to web server.

And here is the link for how to install the tools :

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Converting DataTable Contents into a PDF Report

I came across the need to convert DataTable into a PDF report and I found a couple of articles to show exactly how to do it. I was able to edit it for my use. Both articles use iTextSharp. It worked great!

VB.Net version

C# version