Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Polynomial Equation Solver - CodeProject

 Introduction to Article

Recently I came across a situation where I needed to solve a 4th degree polynomial equation in .NET, and to my surprise I couldn't find any code written in C# or VB .NET that contained the algebraic formulas (I did find some C++ and C# implementations , but they were numerical solutions and I didn’t want to use them).
The algebraic formulas are nasty, and would definitely clog up your day if you ever had a need for one, so I decided to share it with you. I also have a rather lengthy story to follow it, as I have read "The equation that couldn’t be solved" by Mario Livio. The title of the book refers to the story of the insolvability of the 5th degree polynomial equation, but it also goes through the historical development of the solutions to lower degree polynomial equations.
I won’t give any explanations of how these formulas were derived, as the formulas get quite lengthy, so long that in fact that even Tartaglia (one of the people that had a part in solving the cubic equation) had problems in remembering all the rules he had discovered. 

Polynomial Equation Solver - CodeProject

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Authenticating a Web service with Active Directory group - CodeProject

Active Directory
Active Directory (Photo credit: arrayexception)
I'm going to have to add interaction with Active Directory to a project soon. This article is helpful!

Authenticating a Web service with Active Directory group - CodeProject
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Find and Replace Utilities

Notepad (software)
Notepad (software) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It's tempting to just try using "Find and Replace" in notepad or wordpad if you are running Windows,. but don't do it if your file is large and/or you have a bunch of files all needing the same text replaced. Instead try a utility. The one's listed below are really good. I had 8 sql files that contained queries that all had to be edited the same way and Replace Text handled it quickly. I was trying to use Notepad on just one of the files and it didn't finish replacing the text although I ran it all night. the night before. I'm not getting paid for the endorsement but it came in real handy - and it's free.

Replace Text :: ecobyte :: software with a cause

Another free piece of software that does a similar job is Text Crawler.  Download and read more about it at:
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Friday, February 22, 2013

A Beginner's Tutorial on How to Host a WCF Service (IIS Hosting and Self Hosting) - CodeProject

PDC2008-Day1-29 (Photo credit: Michael Dunn~!)
Intro to Article

In this article we will see how we can host a WCF service. We will look at various ways a WCF service can be hosted and what are the benefits and drawbacks of each hosting method. We will also create a sample client application that will consume the WCF service hosted in different ways.

A Beginner's Tutorial on How to Host a WCF Service (IIS Hosting and Self Hosting) - CodeProject
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Playing with Google Drive SDK and JavaScript - CodeProject

Google Drive ähnelt Commerzbank Logo
Google Drive ähnelt Commerzbank Logo (Photo credit:
From the intro to the Article:

The Google Drive API is a standard RESTful API. You can access the functionalities only by issuing HTTP requests, so you do not need any special SDK. However the requests have to be signed. OAuth protocol is used to secure the communication. Google provides a SDK for many languages, JavaScript being one of them. Using this SDK facilitates the creation of HTTP requests. The API provides a good compromise between the simplicity and flexibility.

Playing with Google Drive SDK and JavaScript - CodeProject
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mobile Augmented Reality with Android and OpenglES - CodeProject

This article describes how to create a basic augmented reality application using Android SDK and OpenglES. This application shows a 3D cube (virtual object) overlaid to the camera surface (real world).

Mobile Augmented Reality with Android and OpenglES - CodeProject

Ready to use simple directory chooser dialog on Android - CodeProject

android (Photo credit: osde8info)
Introduction to Article

Every time you need to choose a certain SD card directory in your Android  application you need to load a kind of directory chooser dialog that will offer a graphical interface to select a required directory.
Unfortunately Android does not provide any built in directory chooser dialog as is expected by Android developers. Thereby developers have to write their own directory chooser dialog. In this article I present an implementation of simple directory chooser dialog for Android SD card. The implementation is contained in a single file and does not use any extra resources except for the pre-defined Android  resources.  This assumes very easy integration of the dialog in Android applications.   

Ready to use simple directory chooser dialog on Android - CodeProject
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Detecting incoming and outgoing phone calls on Android. - CodeProject

The Android Emulator home screen.
The Android Emulator home screen. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Check this out.

How to detect incoming and outgoing phone calls on Android platform. It can be useful, if you need to perform some action when call is made. For example, to block it, to log it, or send call info to a server.

Detecting incoming and outgoing phone calls on Android. - CodeProject
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