Access VBA: Creating Text File or Table from Query - CodeProject

Example SQL outer join query with Null placeho...
Example SQL outer join query with Null placeholders in the result set. The Null markers are represented by the word NULL in place of data in the results. Results are from Microsoft SQL Server, as shown in SQL Server Management Studio. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Introduction to this great article about using Access to create Textfiles based on data in the Database!

Access is both a handy tool and a pain in the neck to use. It removes all of the complexities of using SQL Server, DB2, or Oracle and provides a nice point and click interface. However, It does not follow all of the SQL rules and will not do full outer joins. Also, Access documentation and support sucks. It does provide a VBA interface that allows us to code around the problems.
My assignment was to run a stored query 90 times to get a sample set of data for 90 days. I came up with two solutions. The first created a text file using tab delimiters and the second built a table dynamically. The code should work for any record set created from any query.

Access VBA: Creating Text File or Table from Query - CodeProject
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Monday, June 18, 2012

A beginner's tutorial for understanding Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) - CodeProject

Need to get a start for understanding Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)? Start here:

This article is an introduction to the Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). We will try to see the basic concepts behind WCF and will try to implement a small WCF service. We will also work out some small examples of how a WCF service can be consumed.

A beginner's tutorial for understanding Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) - CodeProject
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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Android Application with SQLite Database - CodeProject

One of the most common programming tasks is connecting your application to Database. Here is an article about connecting am Android app to a SQLite Database.
 Android provides several options for you to save persistent application data. The solution you choose depends on your specific needs, such as whether the data should be private to your application or accessible to other applications (and the user) and how much space your data requires.

Android Application with SQLite Database - CodeProject

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

WiFi HotSpot / WiFi Tether - Android Apps on Google Play

Need some apps for turning your Android phone into a mobile hotspot? Check these apps out, one of them might help you.

WiFi HotSpot / WiFi Tether - Android Apps on Google Play

Wifi Hotspot & USB Tether Lite


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Silverlight 5 – Elevated Trust In-Browser « xamlgeek

Image representing Microsoft Silverlight as de...
Image via CrunchBase
 This will be useful
In Silverlight 5 it is possible to enable applications to run with elevated permissions in-browser.
The code snippet below will open Notepad.exe using the AutomationFactory in Silverlight. Using the AutomationFactory requires elevated permissions.

To run the snippet in Silverlight 4 the application must run with elevated permissions and in out-of-browser. In Silverlight 5 it is possible to run the snippet in-browser and with elevated permissions.

Silverlight 5 – Elevated Trust In-Browser « xamlgeek
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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Deployment made simple using Powershell - CodeProject

This is going to come in very handy. I was just looking for something like this!!!

Powershell scripts allow you to take advantage of .NET libraries and write scripts which are almost as powerful as the .NET code itself. You can do many powerful operations like call external DLLs, use .NET namespaces like System.IO, System.Net, run processes and intercept output, call web services etc. The possibilities are endless. Here, I will show you a Powershell script which assists you in day to day deployment of websites. Everyday, we make changes to web projects, which need to be deployed to development servers, sometimes on beta servers, and finally on the production server. Using this script, you can automate all the manual work that you do again and again on your deployment package every time you upload your website to some server. We use this script in Pageflakes every single day during our local development server upload, beta release, and final production server release. All we do is run the script, go to the server, and extract a zip file on the web folder, and that's all. The new version gets deployed within two minutes without any manual work at all, and completely removes any possibility of human error during deployment.

Deployment made simple using Powershell - CodeProject

Friday, June 8, 2012

Creating an Entity Framework connection from another - CodeProject

Creating an Entity Framework connection from another - CodeProject

The above link telles you how to make an entity framework connection from another entity framework connection!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Microsoft® “Roslyn” CTP

I just learned about "Roslyn" from Microsoft. It works out that it gives you very detailed ability to write out scripts that gives your software the ability to write it's own code.

Traditionally, compilers are black boxes – source code goes in one end and object files or assemblies come out the other end. The Roslyn project changes that model by opening up the Visual Basic and C# compilers as APIs. These APIs allow tools and end-users to share in the wealth of information the compilers have about code. The Roslyn CTP previews the next generation of language object models for code generation, analysis, and refactoring, and the upcoming support for scripting and interactive use of VB and C#.

Microsoft® “Roslyn” CTP