resizing array at runtime in - Stack Overflow

I was just coding along today in VB.Net and realized that I sure would like to build a list during runtime based on the names of the tables in any database passed to it but with the flexibility of not knowing how many tables are in it. Turn out that there is a way. The link is at the end after my code.

Dim Tablelist as New List(Of String)()
Dim odbcconn As OleDb.OleDbConnection=New oledb.OleDbConnection(connstring)
Dim restrictions(3) As string
restrictions(3) = "MSYS"
Dim dt As DataTable = odbcconn.GetSchema("Tables")
For Each dr In dt.rows
If InStr(Ucase(dr("TABLE_NAME")),"MYS") = 0 then
End If

First a list of tables are returned from the connection object and then all tables that do not contain the string "MYS" in it's name are filled in to the TableList.

resizing array at runtime in - Stack Overflow
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Introduction to MonoDroid/Android Programming for .NET/C# Developers - CodeProject®

Introduction to Article

Android development is predominantly with the Java Language based on the Java VM "Dalvik" using the Eclipse IDE. If a developer or company has already made a significant investment in .NET, the time to learn Java and the Android Mobile Platform is significant. An attendee of this session will be able to take their existing knowledge of .NET/C# and Visual studio and immediately apply this to writing apps for the Android Mobile Platform. The significance of this should not be understated. Learning a new language, no matter how similar to .NET/C#, results in a significant learning curve as well as a significant time investment. Add in the time required to learn Eclipse, and there is even more time required. With this session, you will learn how to develop Android Applications using Visual Studio and the Novell

Introduction to MonoDroid/Android Programming for .NET/C# Developers - CodeProject®
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Android Apk File: Clip Ninja 1.01 CyberAndroid

I was just thinking today how much better typing on Android would be if there was an easy way to copy and paste texts among different applications....Then I found this app!

Android Apk File: Clip Ninja 1.01 CyberAndroid
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Monday, December 19, 2011

My First Steps Towards HTML5 – Trying out Canvas - CodeProject®

Deutsch: HTML5 Logo English: HTML5 official lo...
Image via Wikipedia
Introduction to Article

In this article, Paul Farquhar, recounts his first experience with HTML5 and how he was inspired to create a spirograph app using Canvas. This article shows the initial spirograph design that Paul created, as well as sample codes and additional resources.

My First Steps Towards HTML5 – Trying out Canvas - CodeProject®
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Orientation to Android Training | Android Developers


Welcome to Android Training. Here you'll find a collection of classes that aim to help you build great apps for Android, using best practices in a variety of framework topics.
Each class explains the steps required to solve a problem or implement a feature using code snippets and sample code for you to use in your apps.
What you see now is just the beginning. We plan to add many more classes, expand and refine existing classes, and build Training Courses that help you enhance your apps using objective-oriented collections of classes.

Orientation to Android Training | Android Developers
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Thursday, December 15, 2011 is offering a great deal for anyone who joins their website. Sign up for free and save money on some great products and services and if you can get other people to do the same they will give you free apple products - from an iPod to an iPad 2.

Follow the Link to sign up and invite everyone you know so you can get that iPad2!
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Monday, December 12, 2011

3D basics using Silverlight-5 and XNA - CodeProject

Introduction to Article

This article presents the simplest possible Silverlight/XNA program: a basic spinning triangle, albeit with full 3d lighting effects. It is the 3D equivalent of the classic ‘Hello World’ program. It comprises about 50 lines of code, and the rationale behind every line is explained.

3D basics using Silverlight-5 and XNA - CodeProject
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How to Repair MDAC 2.8 Under Windows XP SP2/SP3

Windows XP logo
Image via Wikipedia
For some reason, my computer had a corrupted DAO 3.6 installation. The following tells you how to repair Microsoft Data Access Components 2.8 (MDAC 2.8)! It worked really well!

How to Repair MDAC 2.8 Under Windows XP SP2/SP3
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Saturday, December 10, 2011

vozMe - From text to speech (speech synthesis)

Now that FoxVox - the firefox add-on that is used to convert text to mp3 files - is no longer compatible because I have the latest version of firefox, I have to come up with another solution. And here is one. Go to the link to find an online app that lets you copy and paste the text into a text box, press a button, and you will get a mp3 file. Works pretty well!

vozMe - From text to speech (speech synthesis)
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Friday, December 9, 2011

Animations in HTML5 - CodeProject

Deutsch: HTML5 Logo English: HTML5 official lo...
Image via Wikipedia
Introduction to article

I am currently giving a lecture on creating WebApplications using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. This is a lecture with tutorials. For one of the tutorials, I picked a sample canvas animation - just showing in which direction we are heading to with a technology like this. Then I introduced the CSS3 animation in the lecture (everyone was very excited about it) and wanted to create a simple homework task using the CSS3 animations. What came to my mind was: how easy or hard would it be to actually transform the canvas animation into a complete CSS3 animation?
This involved several parts:
  • Creating all the different
    -elements in order to "box" everything
  • Draw everything using styles on those elements with style rules like borders, background-gradients and rounded corners
  • Actually animating the elements
The reason for using CSS3 animation over the -element is quite important: While browsers can optimize their elements performance (regarding their style, i.e., CSS), they cannot optimize our custom drawing routines used in a canvas. The reason for this lies in the browser's ability to use hardware mainly the graphics card. Currently the browser does not give us direct access to the graphics card, i.e., every drawing operation has to go over some function in the browser first.
This problem could be prevented with techniques such as webgl, where the browser does give the developer direct access to the graphics card. However, this is treated as a security problem and will not become standardized. One important rule for developing WebApplications is standardization - since this is our portal to a huge customer base. If we excluded some of the most popular browsers, we would certainly lose a lot of potential visitors.

Animations in HTML5 - CodeProject
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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Multitouch and gesture detection part 1 | Hello Android

A multitouch screen
Image via Wikipedia
Introduction to Article

In this little tutorial I’m going to show you how to detect multitouch event on an Activity screen.
First of all let’s create a class next to the Main activity that called MultitouchView. It extends View:

Multitouch and gesture detection part 1 | Hello Android
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Turn your Android device into a virtual Xbox

There is a new service launching that allows you to play XBox games on mobile devices off of cloud structure!

25 games including LA Noire, Batman: Arkham City, and Assassin’s Creed:Revelations are coming first to Android and later to Apple mobile devices.
I supports PCs and Mac also!!!

The only drawbacks:

Only Android 2.3 or newer is supported.
iOS hasn't been implemented yet.

I think that this bears watching!

Turn your Android device into a virtual Xbox

Monday, December 5, 2011

Customizable Drag-drop ToolStrip - CodeProject

Add a drag/drop customizable toolStrip to your .net project, similar to that found in Firefox.

Customizable Drag-drop ToolStrip - CodeProject
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HTML5 Semantics and Good Coding Practices - CodeProject

English: Resized HTML5 official logo, no left ...
Image via Wikipedia
Introduction to article

Evil people put ids to nearly every element on their pages and make everything rigid and ugly. Moroever there was hardly any semantic structure around the front-end code.
Thankfully HTML5 puts and end to much of this evilery. Well at least it tries to. Let's talk about what's new with HTML5 and how it makes more sense

HTML5 Semantics and Good Coding Practices - CodeProject
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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Silverlight: A Beginner's Guide for Advanced Developers - CodeProject

Image representing Microsoft Silverlight as de...
Image via CrunchBase
Introduction to article about a book

This book is about Silverlight solutions. In this chapter we go behind the scenes and see what is meant by Silverlight plug-ins, what the components of Silverlight application are, and the role of the .NET Framework is.
Silverlight is ideally suited for the following kind of applications:
  • Advanced Graphics and Animations
  • Data Visualization with AJAX technology
  • Rich Interactive games, Web gadgets, and Ad Banners
  • Advanced Media Applications
This chapter is meant to give you a quick overview, and set a foundation for rest of the chapters. Let's begin.

Silverlight: A Beginner's Guide for Advanced Developers - CodeProject
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HTML5 Sudoku Solver - CodeProject

Deutsch: HTML5 Logo English: HTML5 official lo...
Image via Wikipedia
Introduction to Article

This article describes an HTML5 Sudoku solver. The entire program is in one HTML file and it uses Javascript and the new HTML5 Canvas element. This is my third article about HTML5/Javascript each article being more complicated than the previous and really just a series of learning steps for myself.

HTML5 Sudoku Solver - CodeProject
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