Thursday, October 27, 2011

Using Silverlight Pie Charts in Visual Studio LightSwitch - CodeProject

Introduction to Article

Often you need to provide a visual representation of your data and it is not unusual to present information via charts. This is a very common business requirement. In Visual Studio LightSwitch there is not a built-in control to display charts, but you can easily take advantage of extensibility and use chart controls from the free Silverlight Toolkit, available on CodePlex. In this article you learn how to extend LightSwitch applications with custom Silverlight controls that embed Pie Chart controls and that are data-bound to screen collections.

Using Silverlight Pie Charts in Visual Studio LightSwitch - CodeProject
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Building Apps with HTML5: What You Need to Know - CodeProject

Article intro

You might have discovered by now that HTML5 means different things to different people. To some, it just means new tags like

and a handful of new attributes available in markup. To others, it means everything that’s new and interesting on the Web, including technologies implemented in just a single browser or other specifications not officially part of HTML5. To be sure, understanding the real meaning of HTML5 is often the first roadblock many of us face. And, honestly, there’s some justification for the number of varying definitions. HTML5 is huge! Formally defined by an international standards body known as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), HTML5 consists of more than 100 specifications that relate to the next generation of Web technologies. By putting all 100-plus of these specifications under the moniker HTML5, you could argue that the W3C oversimplified things. And while it’s hard to take something as broad as HTML5 and define it in an unambiguous way, I believe that the W3C was trying to address the scope of what’s changing on the Web by introducing HTML5 as a unifying concept for that change.
In fact, HTML5 is an umbrella term describing a set of HTML, CSS and JavaScript specifications designed to enable developers to build the next generation of Web sites and applications. What’s notable in that definition is its three parts: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. They define how developers use improved markup, richer style capabilities and new JavaScript APIs to make the most of new Web development features. Simply put, HTML5 = HTML + CSS + JavaScript.
And that’s it. HTML5 is about changes to HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Rather than worrying about all 100-plus specifications, those three terms describe the breadth and scope of HTML5. Still think that’s a bit simplistic? It may be, but as you’ll soon see, a comprehensive definition of HTML5 doesn’t matter as much as the technologies you choose as worthy of your time and effort to adopt.
With a definition in hand, let’s spend a few moments talking about where Microsoft fits into the HTML5 space.

Building Apps with HTML5: What You Need to Know - CodeProject
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Learn HTML5 in 5 Minutes! - CodeProject

Intro to article

I’ll cover the new semantic markup, canvas for drawing and animation, audio and video support, and how to use HTML5 with older browsers. Might be a bit more than five minutes, but I promise I’ll keep it quick. Stick with me ... it’ll be worth it

Learn HTML5 in 5 Minutes! - CodeProject
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Monday, October 24, 2011

Beginner Guide to Page and Script Debugging with Chrome - CodeProject

Introduction to article

As you begin to develop HTML and Javascript ladden webpages, tracking down bugs becomes an important issue. Identifying them quickly and easily has become a whole lot easier with the features introduced in moden browsers. However, knowing the capabilities of the browser console and what it can do for you is often a mystery. In this article I hope to shed light on some of the key features and how you can use them to your advantage.
To start with we will look at the various components of the Chrome Console, and then start to look at how we can identify coding errors, manipulate Javascript Object, modify the CSS, step through javascript code and watch values, rewrite and test javascript code on the fly, call methods, and run JQuery calls against the DOM all from within the console.
There are probably still a heap of things I have to learn, but for a beginner, there is more than enough to be getting after! Shall we begin?
Note: At the time of writing, I was using Chrome 14.0.835.202 m

Beginner Guide to Page and Script Debugging with Chrome - CodeProject
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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Implementing Programming Languages using C# - CodeProject

C Sharp (programming language)Image via WikipediaIntroduction to article

This goal of this article is to introduce the basic concepts of programming language implementation for C# programmers. This article provides a quick overview of the concepts of implementing programming languages, and uses a number of examples including an arithmetic evaluator and a simple JavaScript interpreter.
Accompanying this article is an open-source parser library written in C# 4.0 called Jigsaw. The most up to date version of Jigsaw can be downloaded online at
Jigsaw contains a reasonably efficient and robust parsing engine and a large number of sample grammars and evaluators. The Jigsaw parsing library is an evolution of the parsers used in the Cat language and later Heron language, but has been optimized by addding support for memoization.
The Jigsaw library is licenced under the MIT open-source license. If for some reason you need another license please contact me at If you end up using or abusing Jigsaw I would love to hear about it!

Implementing Programming Languages using C# - CodeProject
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Friday, October 21, 2011

Assembly Programming with Visual Studio 2010 - CodeProject

Introduction to Article
This article provides a simple example on how to program a small program in x86 assembly language. The technologies used will be MASM (the Microsoft Assembler now distributed with Visual Studio) and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Assembly programs offer the advantage of speed and full control over things that in other programming languages you cannot even touch. The example is a very simple example of basic text encryption and entails all basic assembly commands that one can use to start dealing with the magical realm of low level programming. And knowing how the computer responds at that level is crucial for someone who wants to be a programmer. Again, the main advice is one: EXPERIMENT! Try various commands you find in MASM manuals, change commands on your own, play with the memory and the registers.

Assembly Programming with Visual Studio 2010 - CodeProject
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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Much ADO About Text Files

I've recently been trying to automate Excel and Access from a web service so that I could take three text files and insert them into an Excel Spreadsheet and then from there insert them as tables in an Access Database. This has worked well running with Office 2007 and Windows XP using Video Studio 2010, but when I try it on a web Server IIS 7.0 and Windows Server 2008 (64-bit) it faceplants with no errors meaning nothing happens with the spreadsheet or database. While it's been stated several times that such a server is not designed to automate Office programs I decided to do it programmatically using ADO.Net in the web service. The problem is that I wasn't sure how to query a text file that wasn't comma or tab delimited. Fortunately, the textfiles do have column headers. I discovered the secret was to make sure the format "Fixedlength" is clearly stated and to add a Schema.ini file. In my case, all I need is to put the following in the schema for each text file:

[File.txt] Format=Delimited( ) 
Where File.txt is the name of the file. The following article tells you everything you need to know!

Much ADO About Text Files
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

odeint v2 - Solving ordinary differential equations in C++ - CodeProject

Introduction to Article

This article introduces the second version of odeint - a C++ framework for solving ordinary differential equation (ODEs). It is based on template metaprogramming, is independent of a specific container type and can be used with modern graphic cards. Under to hood of odeint a lot of stuff has changed in the current version. It is not directly compatible with the first version but only slight changes have to be done to make version one and version two compatible. A brief introduction of the first version of odeint has been given here at codeproject.
The current version of odeint-v2 can be obtained from github. The full documentation includes a lot of tutorials and example and also can be found at github. odeint has been supported by the Google summer of code program. It is planned to release the odeint within the boost libraries, although it is not clear if odeint will pass the review process of boost.

odeint v2 - Solving ordinary differential equations in C++ - CodeProject
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Monday, October 17, 2011

An Adventure in Porting a Java Applet to Android with no Previous Experience with Android - CodeProject

Check out this following article!


This shows how I ported a Java Applet to Android app with no previous experience.


I would like to thank several people instrumental in inspiring me to write this app.
In 1996, John Henckel from IBM posted a Java Applet,, that is the heart of this app.
The general purpose of this application is to create 2D ball objects that have attributes of mass, size, color, coefficient of restitution and then place them in a medium with a degree of viscosity. The balls then interact with each other being attracted to each other by gravity and when they collide will rebound as a function of their coefficient of restitution. The user can also 'grab' the balls via the mouse and alter their movement.
I ported this Java Applet to Android and this article discusses the learning steps required and also highlights how fairly common Android features are implemented such as menus, sound, accelerometer reading, notifications, activities, intents, etc. The Android app extends the original applet by adding sound and use of the accelerometer sensors to affect the movement of the balls beyond the gravitational and frictional forces.

An Adventure in Porting a Java Applet to Android with no Previous Experience with Android - CodeProject

Thursday, October 13, 2011

SoundHound Inc.

This app idenfies any song played into ir.

SoundHound Inc.
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CamScanner -Phone to Scanner Android Download v1.1.2

CamScanner turns phone to a document scanner for Android Smartphone to scan and manage your documents, whiteboard discussions and receipts easily. The smart image cropping and enhancement algorithm ensures the scanned images clear and recognizable.

CamScanner -Phone to Scanner Android Download v1.1.2

Shake Fighter - Android Market

Rock paper scissorsImage via Wikipedia
Play Rock-Paper-Scissors with your Android device! Free Game!!!

Shake Fighter - Android Market

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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

HOW TO: Send email using System.Net.Mail : The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Forums

These are great links to see how to send e-mail using System. Net.Mail I think that this is the easiest way to programmatically send e-mail.

HOW TO: Send email using System.Net.Mail : The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Forums

System.Net.Mail How To

Thursday, October 6, 2011

How to implement impersonation in an ASP.NET application

*Web ser *Веб-службаImage via WikipediaWhat do you do when you have a code in a web service trying to launch another executable and it doesn't work yet works out in a winforms application? The following link offers an option. You can give the web app the same permissions that the winforms app has.

How to implement impersonation in an ASP.NET application
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Galaxy S II vs. iPhone 4S comparison grid | Widgets Lab

Samsung on Tuesday evening delivered a comparison grid to BGR that pits Apple’s new iPhone specs against Samsung’s wildly popular Galaxy S II line of handsets, and the tale of the tape appears to favor the latter.
Specific highlights include the Galaxy S II’s 4G WiMAX and HSPA+ outshining HSPA 14.4 on the iPhone 4S, Samsung’s 4.3-4.5-inch Super AMOLED Plus displays outclassing Apple’s 3.5-inch Retina Display, and Samsung’s slim smartphone weighing in at more than half an ounce less than Apple’s hefty 4.9-ounce handset. Samsung’s full comparison grid follows below.

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Embedding Tweets Done RIGHT, with EmbedTweet - EmbedTweet (press release)

Ever wanted to embed a tweet in a blog or website? I was inspired to find out how to do it by some of the sites I like to read. Just add some code and then when you post a link to a tweet, it automatically gives you the a nice embed link. H

Embedding Tweets Done RIGHT, with EmbedTweet - EmbedTweet (press release)

Embed interactive tweets on your weblog.
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Create stories using social media -

Storify is an interesting service. It takes TWEETs, Videos, and social media around a subject and lays them out in a timeline.

Create stories using social media -
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Integrate video streaming into your app using Nex Gen Media Server API - CodeProject

Introduction to Article

Recently I took a closer look at Nex Gen Media Server and their API framework. NGMS is a multi-purpose streaming server which supports some of the popular streaming protocols such as RTSP, RTMP, Apple's HTTP Live, and MPEG-2 Transport Stream. NGMS comes with transcoding support and is able to capture and reformat live video streams and adapt them to be received by another type of device, such as capturing an HD video feed and converting it to be received by an iPhone over 3g. My focus was to integrate the NGMS API to control the streaming features directly from my own C application. In this example I am using Ubuntu Linux 10.04.

The first thing is to download and read the NGMS User Guide from here and the API reference guide from here . There are many configuration options in there but we will just stick to the basics. Then you need to download the NGMS package for linux. The version I used was NGMS v1.3.4. Once you download the package just unzip the contents into a directory of your choice. I used ~/ngmsStreaming

Integrate video streaming into your app using Nex Gen Media Server API - CodeProject
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Embedly | Embed any URL through one powerful API is a service that provides a way to embed all kinds of material on blogs and websites. Check it out. It's used by many other services and social networking platforms.

Embedly | Embed any URL through one powerful API
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