Sunday, July 31, 2011

Silverlight Menu4U - CodeProject

Introduction to Article

Last year I introduced an article presenting Silverlight Menu, which was an attempt to create a useful control for the community. Despite my efforts to enhance the control with nice features, the feedbacks I received usually complained about the lack of more flexible customization, such as more robust templating, styling and commanding.
Then the time for the new Silverlight Menu 4U has come. After browsing through the old code for some time (to evaluate if I could reuse it), I realized how monolithic the code was. The menu levels were made of stack panels instead of list boxes, and it would require painful efforts to make it flexible. Then I decided to rewrite it from scratch, and here are the results.
In this article I will present you two main walkthroughs: first, and more important, is the guide for Silverlight Menu 4U users, where I'll explain how to implement different kinds of menus, from basic to advanced usage. The second part will approach the making of the control, dissecting its parts and showing how and why they were made.

Silverlight Menu4U - CodeProject
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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Handling database connections more easily - CodeProject

Introduction to article

In this article I am going to bring together several pieces of code to help handle database connections transparently. I will be referencing code and ideas covered in some of my other articles including

Handling database connections more easily - CodeProject
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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Calling Web Services From JavaScript - Using SOAP Client - CodeProject

Introduction to Article

This article will show you how to make a web service call using only HTML markup and JavaScript.

Calling Web Services From JavaScript - Using SOAP Client - CodeProject
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Calling Web Services from HTML Pages using JavaScript - CodeProject

Introduction to Article

Hello everyone. In this article, I wanted to show you 'how to call a web service and pass parameters to its methods through HTML pages'. I hope it will be useful.
For this article, we need to create a web service and a web site. Assume that our web service includes these methods...

Calling Web Services from HTML Pages using JavaScript - CodeProject
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Typeface Designed for Dyslexics

Did You know that there are fonts specifically designed to make it easier for people with dyslexia to read? I didn't. Exciting stuff!

A Typeface Designed for Dyslexics

There are free options too!

Typefaces for Dyslexia
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Turing Machine (C++ Implementation) - CodeProject

Turing machineImage by Maria Keays via FlickrIntroduction to Article

The C++-program simulates a Turing Machine (TM). TM is defined by input files: metafile, states file, alphabet file, transition file, input word(s) file(s).

Turing Machine (C++ Implementation) - CodeProject
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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Improving Software Quality Through Automated Customer Feedback - CodeProject

Introduction to Article

No one enjoys finding out their users have been suffering bugs in silence for months, but it's inevitable when it's so hard to report them. Getting in touch takes time, remembering the cause is tricky, and providing detail is technically challenging.
SmartAssembly's Automated Error Reporting makes the process simple. Users can send a comprehensive bug report with one click, and you get the details straight away.

Improving Software Quality Through Automated Customer Feedback - CodeProject
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Lua Interpreter - CodeProject

Lua (programming language)Image via WikipediaArticle Abstract

A Lua interpreter is implemented in C#. It allows write Lua extensions in C# and call the extensions in Lua code.

Lua Interpreter - CodeProject
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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Silverlight JavaScript Integration - Part 1 - CodeProject

Image representing Microsoft Silverlight as de...Image via CrunchBaseIntroduction to Article

Silverlight is a browser-based plug-in. This plug-in was designed to be integrated with web pages.
Document Object Model (DOM) will allow web applications and scripts to dynamically access and update the content and schema of documents.

Silverlight JavaScript Integration - Part 1 - CodeProject
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Friday, July 15, 2011

cross-browser drag and drop - CodeProject

Drag and Drop Ltd LogoImage via WikipediaIntroduction to article

I could not find a good Drag and Drop JavaScript example that would work in all browsers. So I wrote one myself. I hope someone might find it useful. Please note that this example shows how to “capture” the element so that you don’t loose it if move outside of the element or outside of the browser window.

cross-browser drag and drop - CodeProject
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Real-time Feed Distribution Using Shared Queue - CodeProject

This article demonstrates how to forward real-time feed to multiple clients with different bandwidths.

Real-time Feed Distribution Using Shared Queue - CodeProject
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Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Tech Review -

What You Need To Know
  • The Galaxy Tab 10.1 is just as thin as the iPad 2, making it the thinnest Android tablet on the market.
  • The Tab also weighs less than the iPad 2 but does not come with expandable memory or an HDMI out (unless you buy the dongle for $40).
  • The Galaxy Tab has the same Android version as other Android tablets, which worked well.
  • The touch screen feels a little more responsible than most of the other tables we've reviewed (aside from the iPad).
  • There aren't any custom overlays or widgets unique to the Tab.
  • You can still customize just like you would any other Android tablet.
  • The tablet can also keep up with the iPad 2 when running apps or browsing the web: it was just as fast as any other tablet when launching Angry Birds Rio.
  • The web browser was also just as fast.
  • The front and back cameras were almost as good as we hoped.
  • The rear camera is only 3 megapixels but the flash even exposes and it can record HD video.
  • The picture quality turned out to be pretty good, too.
  • The front camera is 2 megapixels and looks just fine.
  • $500 for the 16GB or $600 for the 32 GB.
Want something reviewed on Gadget Pr0n? Email us your suggestions to

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Tech Review -
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Display your Google+ stats in a widget | Widgets Lab

 I think I want this one: is a super speedy startup that is both tracking Google+’s hottest (Top) 100 and giving you an easy way to display your Google+ stats on your site with a simple embed.

Display your Google+ stats in a widget | Widgets Lab
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Friday, July 8, 2011

Silent printing in Silverlight - CodeProject

Silverlight LogoImage via WikipediaIntroduction to Article

As you may know, Silverlight 4 introduced the support for a basic printing functionality, through its Printing API (based on the PrintDocument class). This API allows you to send to a printer (in a bitmap-based way) your application screen, a portion of it, or an alternative custom visual-tree properly constructed.
In Silverlight, the printing support is limited in some ways for security reasons; for example:
  • the print operation must be user-initiated (that is: only permitted in the context of a handler that handles a user event);
  • the "Print" dialog box (that is the window depicted below, where the user can select the printer's settings and then click "Print" to continue or "Cancel" to cancel the print operation) is always shown.

Silent printing in Silverlight - CodeProject
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WPF/Silverlight Binding Using Flags Class - CodeProject

Silverlight LogoImage via WikipediaIntroduction to article

A flag enumeration is a very useful tool in programming. However, it is not straightforward to use flags in binding. Somehow or another, the particular flag has to be specified. This is possible using the binding "parameter". With this information, it is quite straightforward to convert for the View, but the problem is converting back. You would normally be binding to a checkbox and this value is either true or false (tri-state does not make sense). When converting back, there is no information about the state of the other flags. Without this information, it is not possible to update the flags value in the View-Model. This is one of the main reasons a special class is needed to support binding a set of flags to a View. Once there is an implementation to support flags in both WPF and Silverlight, implementations can be much cleaner.

WPF/Silverlight Binding Using Flags Class - CodeProject
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Setting focus on a control in Silverlight using XAML - CodeProject

Silverlight LogoImage via WikipediaIntroduction to article

When I first started using Silverlight, I was amazed that there wasn't an easy way to set the focus of the cursor to a text box. I had just built a login page and wanted the cursor to default to the user name text box. After searching blogs and forums, I've finally come up with a solution that satisfies me. I hope this article helps you avoid the frustrations of some of the one-line responses you will see in some of the forum responses.

Setting focus on a control in Silverlight using XAML - CodeProject
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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Create Powerpoint slides from Silverlight by taking snaps of pages. - CodeProject

Silverlight LogoImage via WikipediaIntroduction to the article

In this article, I will explain how a silverlight application can be used to create slides in Microsoft powerpoint file by taking various snaps of the Silverlight page. I have motivated to write this because I have not seen solution in internet when I wanted to create a powerpoint slides from a Silverlight project, but many results on using Silverlight in powerpoint.

Create Powerpoint slides from Silverlight by taking snaps of pages. - CodeProject
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Error Cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.List' to 'System.Collection.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection' : The Official Microsoft Silverlight Site

Microsoft SilverLightImage by denetsnuff via FlickrIn recent monts I keep coming up with this error message when I try to pass arrays through a web service from a silverlight app. I found this work around on the internet

Re: Re: Error Cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.List<int>' to 'System.Collection.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<int>'
RightClicking on your ServiceReference in Solution Explorer
Choose Configure Service Reference
on the Collection Type -> change to Generic List

One of the choices on Collection Type is "array" Once I make that change it all compiles well!!

Error Cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.List<int>' to 'System.Collection.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<int>' : The Official Microsoft Silverlight Site
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Friday, July 1, 2011

From Silverlight To HTML5 - CodeProject

Intro to great article I found

 This article describes my experiences of taking a control written in Silverlight for Windows Phone 7, and making it cross-platform by re-implementing it using JavaScript and HTML5.

From Silverlight To HTML5 - CodeProject
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Functors in VBA - CodeProject

Visual Basic for Applications logoImage via WikipediaIntroduction to Article

This article suggests an implementation of functors (i.e. function objects) in ATL for VBA/VB6 consumption.

VBA comes with very little support for pointers and no support for function pointers apart from the AddressOf operator. I have been working with Excel VBA for the past few years and I often feel that access to function pointers would make my life much easier when it comes to generic programming.

Functors in VBA - CodeProject
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