Friday, May 27, 2011

How to use a WebCam in C# with the .NET Framework 4.0 and Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 - CodeProject

Introduction to article

If you are interested in using your webcam from C# in an easy way, this little article is for you. In order to achieve our goal, we need the Microsoft .NET 4.0 and Microsoft Expression Encoder 4. You can get the latter for FREE, using the 'Microsoft Web Platform Installer', that can be downloaded from here:

How to use a WebCam in C# with the .NET Framework 4.0 and Microsoft Expression Encoder 4 - CodeProject
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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Silverlight: How to Receive Messages from Desktop Application - CodeProject

Silverlight LogoImage via WikipediaIntroduction to Article

The article is a free continuation of How to Send Message to Desktop Application where the Silverlight application sends a text message to the desktop application. Now I would like to show how the Silverlight application can receive text messages from the desktop application using TCP connection. (Actually, the example below shows the bidirectional communication between the Silverlight application and the desktop application.)

Silverlight: How to Receive Messages from Desktop Application - CodeProject

Very simple example showing how to send a message from Silverlight application to standalone desktop application
Silverlight: How to Send Message to Desktop Application - CodeProject

The article shows how to implement receiving of notification messages from the hosting server in the Silverlight application by using Eneter.Messaging.Framework.
Basically there are two approaches if you need to implement the communication scenario where the Silverlight client needs to be notified about some events on the server:

Silverlight: Notification Messages from the Server - CodeProject

 The article shows how to implement communication between Silverlight application and some non-Silverlight application by using Eneter.Messaging.Framework. The example shows Silverlight client invoking requests to the console application. The request can be paused, resumed or cancelled.

Silverlight: Interprocess Communication from Silverlight Application - CodeProject

Summary: The article shows how to use Eneter.Messaging.Framework for the communication between Silverlight applications to send typed messages (no size limitation).

Silverlight: Comunication between Silverlight Applications with Typed Messages - CodeProject
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Silverlight: How to Communicate with Desktop Application via HTTP - CodeProject

Silverlight LogoImage via WikipediaIntroduction to Article

This article is a free continuation of How to Receive Messages from a Desktop Application and How to Send Message to a Desktop Application where the Silverlight application communicates with the standalone .NET application via TCP. In this article, I would like to show how to implement the communication via HTTP.
The example below implements a .NET application as a service and a Silverlight application as a client. The service listens to text messages and responses with their length. The client then uses the service to get the length of the given text.
The implementation uses the Eneter Messaging Framework. (Full, not limited, and for non-commercial usage free version of the framework can be downloaded from The online help for developers can be found at

Silverlight: How to Communicate with Desktop Application via HTTP - CodeProject
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Dynamically send WCF endpoint in Silverlight - CodeProject

Architectural elements involved in the XML-RPC.Image via WikipediaIntroduction to Article

Silverlight webservice references get harcoded in ServiceReference.ClientConfig. The URLs get set to your development servers. But when you deploy live, the URLs don't match. Here's a way to dynamically change the URL of the service based on which website the Silverlight app is loaded from.

Dynamically send WCF endpoint in Silverlight - CodeProject
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What’s New in Silverlight 5? - CodeProject

Introduction to Article

The first thing to know about Silverlight 5 is that it’s currently in beta, means that it definitely has bugs, and it also not yet feature-complete; some features are going to be shipped later in the final version. In addition, being in beta means that no go-live license available, this is for internal use and testing only so do not install on user’s machine.
Worth mentioning that Silverlight 5 was first announced at PDC 2010 conference (October 2010) and the beta version was shipped later at MIX11 (April 2011,) and the final version will be released soon this year.

What’s New in Silverlight 5? - CodeProject
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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Introduction to Microsoft Silverlight - CodeProject

Silverlight LogoImage via WikipediaIntroduction to Article

When we say rich applications we don’t mean those with amazing interfaces and lots of graphics. Indeed, we mean by “rich” those have lots of functionalities not available for standard Web applications. Common examples of rich applications are online document editors and image processors; both are very interactive and offer lots of functionalities that are usually not available for standard Web applications. And that actually what Silverlight is devoted for, its main goal is to allow for developing rich interactive applications for the Web.

Introduction to Microsoft Silverlight - CodeProject
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bezier curve angle calculation in Silverlight - CodeProject

Introduction to Article

A Bezier curve is a curve which is one of the most frequently used for computer graphics. Higher dimensions of Bezier curves are used for 3D works, which also includes Bezier triangle. Pierre Bezier, a fresh engineer who worked for Renault, derived the concept behind the calculative mechanism of the curve, which he used to design automobile body parts. In general, Bezier equations are simple but parametric equations in a variable of t (where t ranges from 0 - 1).

Bezier curve angle calculation in Silverlight - CodeProject
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Friday, May 20, 2011

NuGet - Home


NuGet is a free, open source developer focused package management system for the .NET platform intent on simplifying the process of incorporating third party libraries into a .NET application during development. NuGet is a member of the ASP.NET Gallery in the Outercurve Foundation (see the press release).

NuGet - Home
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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Enterprise RIA Development: Comparing Flex/Flash, Silverlight, HTML5/CSS3, jQuery/JavaScript - CodeProject

Image representing Microsoft Silverlight as de...Image via CrunchBase


The Rich Internet Application (RIA) landscape is richer than ever before. The technologies that are available today have reached maturity, and there are many examples of quality enterprise applications built on each technology. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each platform can help determine which technology makes the most sense for your organization’s project. This decision has become increasingly complicated due to the mobile space. Businesses no longer have to simply determine a direction for their browser based application, but they also have to consider how this decision affects their mobile strategy across multiple platforms. With newly added mobile support as well as enterprise tooling and server connectivity, the Flash Platform proves to be a compelling choice for enterprises.

Android Browser Android Apps iOS Browser iOS Apps Playbook Browser Playbook Apps WP 7 Browser WP 7 Apps
HTML5 check.png check.png check.png check.png check.png check.png plus.png plus.png
Traditional Ajax check.png check.png check.png check.png check.png check.png plus.png plus.png
Flash Platform check.png check.png x.png check.png check.png check.png x.png x.png
Silverlight x.png x.png x.png x.png x.png x.png plus.png check.png
Figure 1 - Mobile Compatability

Enterprise RIA Development: Comparing Flex/Flash, Silverlight, HTML5/CSS3, jQuery/JavaScript - CodeProject
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