Sunday, February 27, 2011

AI for Target Number Game Using Genetic Algorithm - CodeProject

Sounds interesting:

Target Number Game

In this game player has task to find mathematical expression whose value is closest to randomly choosen value using only basic operations and predefined set of numbers. The game has other restrictions: all intermediate results and final result must be positive integer number. Additional restrictions are also placed on selected and target numbers. Player gets 4 random numbers between 1 and 9, one number from { 10, 15, 20 } set and one from { 25, 50, 75, 100 } set. Target number is randomly chosen from interval [100,999]. Player can use selected numbers only once. Who ever has expression with the closest number to the target wins and if they are tie, player who was choosing the numbers wins.

AI for Target Number Game Using Genetic Algorithm - CodeProject
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We are all always looking for decent algorithms for sorting arrays - especially integer arrays.

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Picturebox Control to Display Both Remote Sensing and Regular Digital Images - CodeProject

Introduction to Article
Extracting useful land use features, such as buildings, roads, and even vehicles, from remote sensing imagery has long been a focus in the field of digital image analysis. Now many software and web services (e.g., Google Earth, Google Map, ArcMap and Bing Maps) have successfully applied information from remote sensing images to assist the public to solve a wide variety of problems like navigation, urban planning and environment engineering. However, compared with regular digital images, the remote sensing images usually have more bands and in various data types (e.g., byte, integer, float, and double). Due to the specialties of remote sensing images, they are not well supported by regular image viewers. For example, the built-in Picturebox control in Visual Studio is not able to display remote sensing images.

A Picturebox Control to Display Both Remote Sensing and Regular Digital Images - CodeProject
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Genetic Algorithm Library - CodeProject

A framework for genetic algorithms - You can use this to write software for genetic modeling! Awesome!

Genetic Algorithm Library - CodeProject
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Friday, February 25, 2011

Flyer - HTC's Android 2.4 Tablet | Hello Android

HTC's Tablet is coming out soon! I like HTC's phones and it will be interesting to see their Tablet. It's called Flyer running Android 2.4.

Flyer - HTC's Android 2.4 Tablet | Hello Android
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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Checking users installed flash version | Hello Android

The Android Emulator home screen.Image via WikipediaSome useful code for Android

Here is a little tutorial on checking users flash version. It comes in handy, if you want to use flash content in your app. Flash lite can cause some problems, so this snippet is also about that...

Checking users installed flash version | Hello Android
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Convert your Data to Excel Spreadsheet - CodeProject

Microsoft Office Excel IconImage via WikipediaThe solution in C# offered here consists of an ExcelConverter that converts the data represented by set of classes into Excel 2003 XML Format.

Convert your Data to Excel Spreadsheet - CodeProject
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

PlayStation Move Hack: Measuring The Earth's Rotation With Move -

PlayStation Move - RearImage by William Hook via FlickrWho says the Playstation 3 is only a toy!?

Scientists (presumably mad) at have combined the Move with an old-school turntable in order to provide experimental evidence of Earth's diurnal rotation. Basically, you can use a Move and your dad's record player instead of a 70-meter high, perfectly weighted Foucault's Pendulum to confirm that the earth actually rotates in space, find geographic North, and measure latitude.
It's not really fun, per se, but it's very, very cool. Check it out in the video below, and visit the site for tech-specs so you can recreate the device at home!

PlayStation Move Hack: Measuring The Earth's Rotation With Move -
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Is Hand-Coding Becoming Obsolete? - CodeProject

Here is an interesting article asking the question about if hand-coding is going away to be replaced with more visual tools.

Is Hand-Coding Becoming Obsolete? - CodeProject
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Remote Desktop Control with Automated Skype - CodeProject

Purpose of article

Skype automation allows a user to control desktop of another user with built-in screen sharing.

Remote Desktop Control with Automated Skype - CodeProject
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15 Best Android Widgets for Productivity and Enjoyment | Best Blog Widgets For Free

Here is a list of useful widgets for Android!

Widgets are are an extremely cool feature on the Android which the iPhone does not have. These Android widgets are very handy and enjoyable because they are easily accessible in just a split second and can provide useful information for the user. I have compiled a list of the best android widgets for you to enjoy.

15 Best Android Widgets for Productivity and Enjoyment | Best Blog Widgets For Free
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Uploading and downloading images from WCF in Silverlight

Silverlight LogoImage via WikipediaI've been trying to figure out how to load animated gifs from a server into a silverlight app. I found two ways to do it. One way is without a web service where you just bundle the images up with the app and the app loads them all during run time and displays them one a time. Another option is to use a web service to stream the images to the app. This works much faster. The example I gave is still an example where the app and the images folder are still on the same server. This works but I'd like to see if it still works if the images are not on the same server as the app. I'm going to just be glad I got this far for now.

Uploading and downloading images from WCF in Silverlight
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Remote control your android | Hello Android

I was waiting for a program to do this!

In this tutorial I'll show you a way to remote control your android device via Wifi, Lan, Internet or Usb.
You'll need 2 applications installed on a rooted device, and another client software installed on your pc or another phone.
First, go to market, and install and open this application:
Then you can install this Vnc Server application:

Remote control your android | Hello Android
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Monday, February 21, 2011

Starting DirectX with Visual Basic .NET - CodeProject

Image representing Microsoft as depicted in Cr...Image via CrunchBaseIntroduction to Article
I will try in this simple tutorial to introduce you to the world of DirectX through Visual Basic, although I am a beginner of both! I will focus on some errors that you could face, and I will try to explain each step as I know, but it may be better to view MSDN also for more information.
There is some talk about the poor performance and features of managed DirectX, and that when you want to learn DirectX, you should learn the native API using C++ or another low level programming language. OK, that may be true, but if you are a novice (or thick headed !), and don't want to bother learning a low level language first, and you want to have a quick beginning in games programming, Visual Basic is a nice choice.
Also, in Visual Basic you will generally concentrate more on the program algorithm than on the language syntax.
About the performance issue, that is the last thing you should worry about, with modern video cards, it is usually no problem. Anyway, you can't easily develop games like Metal Gear and Devil May Cry at home; if you want to develop Super Mario classic or the likes, you can use any language .
There is another important point about managed DirectX, it s no longer supported by Microsoft, and Microsoft developed another games library (XNA) which does not support Visual Basic (and will not) so you will be stuck with DirectX 9 and won't be able to develop any further. Although this is very disappointing, with some alternative SDKs like Slim SDK, there is hope, or may be in future Microsoft change their mind!

Starting DirectX with Visual Basic .NET - CodeProject
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Friday, February 18, 2011

Mail Merge Printing with WPF - CodeProject

I'm always looking for great ways to do mail merges.

A mail merge involves merging the records in a database with a document template to produce a set of similar documents where the body of the document is constant but the details, specific to each individual record, change. This article explorers how to use WPF’s document viewing and printing classes to inspect, scale, and output mail merge letters produced from a XAML based template.

Mail Merge Printing with WPF - CodeProject
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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Display Images with the Silverlight Downloader in Alpha 1.1 |

Web Services Triangle ArchitectureImage by dullhunk via FlickrThis article is good for seeing how to use a webservice to send an image to silverlight. However, it diesn't tell you how to make the webservice.

Display Images with the Silverlight Downloader in Alpha 1.1 |
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Aggregated Intelligence: LIDAR Mashup – a web-service, SilverLight version of Bing maps and Video

Who knew you could use LIDAR, Silverlight, and Bing Maps together?!!!!

Here is an interesting use of LIDAR done by the folks at CadMaps
It uses a web-service to retrieve LIDAR data as a profile image (Webservice is LIDARServer a product from QCoherent). The images were then made into a video and then displayed in the SilverLight version of Bing Maps. What is very cool is the way in which they managed to get the video to sync with the path of the video in Bing Maps.
Implementation information:
Bing Maps mashup:

I think this would work on Google earth also!!!

Aggregated Intelligence: LIDAR Mashup – a web-service, SilverLight version of Bing maps and Video
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