Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Use Desktopify to put web widgets on your Desktop | Widgets Lab

Desktopify allows you to put any web widget right on to your desktop. Just about any widget we have written about here on WidgetsLab should work with Desktopify.

Use Desktopify to put web widgets on your Desktop | Widgets Lab
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Google Chrome Webpage Auto-Translation

Image representing Google Chrome as depicted i...Image via CrunchBase
Okay, finally a reason to use Chrome - automatic web page translation!

Google Chrome Webpage Auto-Translation
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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Your Period? There’s An App for That. « TheGloss

You can do a lot on your phone: read the news, manage your money, shop, make music – these days, apps seem to be breeding like rabbits. But if you don’t want to breed like one, then there’s an app for you, too. It’s called…iPeriod. And we’re not iKidding.

Made by Winkpass, iPeriod allows you to map your menstrual cycle. Once you’ve entered data for two periods, the app will predict your next twelve cycles and keep track of changes including weight, mood, and even body temperature. Set it to pregnancy mode and find out when to preheat your oven in order to bake a bun; conversely, make it remind you to take your birth control pill. Worth $2.99? Maybe not, but somehow, creating a graph out of mood swings makes them seem so much more rational.

Your Period? There’s An App for That. « TheGloss
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Display links to your posts via Blogger Backlinks, Icerocket Link Tracker etc - A Consuming Experience

Image representing Blogger as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase
This post covers:
  • how to include simple one-click links to achieve (almost) the same result as backlinks using Blogsearch, Technorati etc - whether you use Blogger or not
  • how to include backlinks in your Blogger blog if you have customised your template
  • how to combine backlinks and one-click links from other services, including Ice Rocket's Link Tracker and links to your blog on Delicious, in your blog.

Display links to your posts via Blogger Backlinks, Icerocket Link Tracker etc - A Consuming Experience
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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Google Translate Element | Widgets Lab

Try it out !

Google Translate Element | Widgets Lab

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Reverse Snowflake Joins-online demo

Here is a really cool web application. Just copy/paste your SQL query into a form, click a button and you can get a diagrams of what your query is doing. Just follow the link below!

Reverse Snowflake Joins-online demo
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HP Touts Flash as Killer App Against Apple's iPad - PCWorld Business Center - HP Slate

I've just run across an article explaining that HP has announced it's competing hardware to the Apple iPad. It supports Adobe Flash web content and will run Windows 7. This means that it will be about to run iTunes and almost everything a PC can run anyway. Things that the iPad will not be able to do. Personally,no Flash is a deal breaker for me. I need it. And I agree that a huge portion of the Internet uses Flash. Looks like I'm going with the HP Slate when it comes out. This just a heads up not being paid to write this. May be I can figure out how to be a tester?

HP Touts Flash as Killer App Against Apple's iPad - PCWorld Business Center

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