Thursday, August 27, 2009

Tag Cloud Generator

I've been researching tag generators. I have found several websites where you just have to put your website in it and you will get HTML generating your own tag cloud.

Tag Cloud Generator
Make Cloud
Blogger Feed uRL

Individual post visitor counter with Google Analytics ~ Blogger Tips and Tricks

Although there is not an easy way to get the number of views on individual posts in blogger there is a way to get an idea of how many visits there are per post using Google Analytics! Trust me, I'm going to be using this little hack.

Individual post visitor counter with Google Analytics ~ Blogger Tips and Tricks
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Blogger Releases the new version of the Label Widget

Blogger has released a new label gadget. Use it either in cloud or list form. source

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Commenter Widget

Here is a great widget I found from WidgetForFree. It is easily installed in Blogger and list the top commenters out of the last 100 comments. Who has commented the most? This is how you find out.

Further info and Installation

Monday, August 17, 2009

Blogumus - Animated Tag Cloud

A word cloud of the content of the word cloud ...Image via Wikipedia

Use this article to make a tag cloud. Blogumus

See the example in the side bar. It's easy to use but before you do you should make sure that you simplify your labels and make sure they don't have special characters
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

How to Change the Favicon in Blogger

I came across this great article on how to change the FavIcon in the addressbars of browser. This is a nice little tactic.

How to Change the Favicon in Blogger

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Issuu Now With Better API

We have a good news. We can do more with Issuu. Here is an article talking about the new features..

Issuu Now With Better API’s

Posted using ShareThis

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Creating Free Flash Websites

I have heard about a service that allows you to build flash websites and widgets for free. You just go to and it allows you to pull almost any popular flash trick you have seen using drag and drop technique. It makes it really simple! Here is an example:

Free website -

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Adding Polls to Web Site/Blog

I have found 2 ways to put polls in your blogger post. Most tools allow you to put polls into the side bar of your site, but if you want to put it in your post you have to go through a little work.

1. Method One -
I like this method just fine. You just use the widget for installing a poll into the blog and then copy and past the HTML for generating into the post that you want.

2. Use a service like PollDaddy. You get a free account, design the poll, and then get the code to make the poll as a flash object. Then you can paste it where you want it. This my preferred method!

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Here is a cool tool that allows users to add near real-time twitter stream to any website or blog. You can get it at TweetSteam.


I've just come across another Twitter tool designed to allow users to share files with one another. This one is pretty cool. Just login using your twitter account, browse for the file on your computer you want to send, and then send it. The homepage is at Tweetafile.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Addendum to Summarizing Blog Posts

As I mentioned in the previous post there is a way to automatically summarize your blog posts with thumbnails. However I found the problem that when you go to the full post, you can't return back to the listing without hitting the "back" button on your browser. So I added a code to add a link to allow the user to return to the main pages. Add the following to the next line after the the steps proscribed.

<p><a href="[URL]">Return to main page</a></p>

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summarizing Posts on a Landing Page

I have looked at some ways of trying to change my blog to make it more user-friendly. One suggestion made by friend Mariano suggested that I add the function of summarizing my blog posts on the main page and giving the reader the option of reading further. The idea is to make the blogs load faster and make it more easier to use.

Mariano suggested a method where each post is summarized in the HTML using small changes in the blog's template and in the post itself. This method is great because it give you so much control over what the post looks like when the blog loads. The problem is that in order to take advantage all older posts will have to be augmented but every new post will have the structure in place and I am too lazy to add the HTML to the older posts because I have blogs containing more than 500 posts. Here is the code on how to make it happen from Mariano himself and you can visit Mariano's blog, Atheism is Dead, to see it in action.

I have found another alternate method to do something similar. I like this method a little better because it automatically summarizes the posts and puts a thumbnail of the first image in the post in the summary. In order to pull it off, you just need to follow the steps in the following website: Automatic Post Summaries for Blogger with Thumbnails. You have control over how many words are in the summary as well as quite a few other things.

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